
Öppna kurser

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11–16 augusti 2024

Summer School 2024 – Design Thinking and Systems Engineering




Utö, Stockholms skärgård


11–16 augusti 2024

Early bird

10% rabatt på kursavgiften 1 juni 2024.

Sista anmälning

1 augusti 2024.


36 995 SEK plus kost och logi 11500 SEK. Pris är exkl. moms.

About the course

The course discusses fundamental concepts and processes of design thinking and systems engineering, along with applicable methods and tools.

Initial focus is on need identification and problem definition, carried out in interactive sessions with the customer and other stakeholders. This is followed by requirements and design definition activities during concept and system design phases and articulated through examples and case study projects.

Emphasis will be on enhancing the effectiveness of deployed systems by ensuring that the products and services meet stakeholders needs while reducing their operational and support costs. Specific topics include: Needs Analysis, Concept of Operation, System context, Requirements definition and traceability, Voice of the Customer, Design Concepts identification and selection, System Functional Architecture; Life Cycle and Risk Management.

The course finishes with a simulated System Requirements Review (SRR) in which the students present their case studies.

Preliminary overview of the course schedule:


Dr. Dinesh Verma, Ph.D., Stevens Institute of Technology, USA

Dinesh was the Founding Dean of the School of Systems and Enterprises and Professor in Systems Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology from 2007 through 2016.  He currently serves as the Executive Director of the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC).

Dinesh combines a unique mix of theoretical knowledge having authored over 100 technical papers, book reviews, technical monographs, and co-authored three textbooks and experience from consulting with numerous of world leading companies internationally including several in Nordic countries. But what really sets Dinesh apart is his ability to teach in a very pedagogic way.

Tom Strandberg, CSEP, Syntell AB, Sweden

Tom is a Principal Consultant, Trainer and the Systems Engineering Competence Area Manager at Syntell AB.

He has more than 25 years of practical experience of capability development related to life cycle management of complex systems utilizing a systems engineering approach. Tom has had the benefit to work in several different companies and authorities within defence, automotive, medtech and transport.

Tom is active in the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) since 1998 and has served several leading positions both in Sweden and internationally. He was active in the development of the ISO/IEEE/IEC 15288 Systems Engineering standard and is Certified Systems Engineering Professional (INCOSE CSEP).

Course Goal

This course will provide you with the systemic mindset you need to identify the real customer needs and hence solving the right problem. You will be given a systematic and pragmatic approach to define and design creative solutions that not only meet customer needs but also those of other stakeholders.

Target group

This course is aimed at anyone involved in the marketing, procurement, engineering, management or support of technical systems (systems comprising hardware/software/humans).

It is a good opportunity to establish a shared view for customers and contractors project teams as well as for different departments (e.g. marketing and engineering) within the organization.

Previous knowledge

No formal knowledge in Systems Engineering is needed. However, a few years practical experience in the field of complex technical systems is recommended to have gained an insight to the need for thinking and acting in terms of systems. Course language is English but one lecturer is fluent in Swedish.

Personal Development Units

This course allows you to apply for 30 PDU:s according to INCOSE:s Systems Engineering Professional (SEP) Certification program.

About Scandinavian Summer School Week

Welcome to an inspiring and challenging course week led by world-class international teachers! The proven recipe contains a well-thought-out combination of lessons, group work and social activities in an inspiring environment. In addition to a real step in your competence development, you are given the opportunity to establish a valuable network with other participants on site.


You can register on this page by using the form below, or send an email to We offer a group discount. Contact Us.

Manager Discount

We provide an opportunity for managers to develop closer relationships to personnel and the ability to develop your business. If you enroll four people to our summer school programme then you can attend for free. You can read more about our manager discount in the brochure enclosed. In addition to attending the course you are invited into a special programme of feedback and dialogue with Syntell that will help you develop a sustainable organizational capability in Systems Engineering, Systems Architecting and ILS.

Sign-up using the form below:

Anmälan till kurs

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Scandinavian Summer School Week 2024

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